
occasionally Daniel Ozernyi, Данііл Озерний, etc.

Areas of specialization:

Areas of competence:

Primary affiliation:
Department of Linguistics, Northwestern University, doz at u dot northwestern dot edu

Secondary affiliation:
(current) 國立臺灣大學國際漢語研習所

Enthusiastically fixing LaTeX for (see here for the LSA LaTeX guide):

Mailing address (until 06/2025):

This site is generated by hugo using the xmin theme and hosted on netlify through a github repo. I borrowed the idea from Kai von Fintel’s website. I also exist on ResearchGate and Google Scholar.

A fun fact: I am a big fan of footnotes; see 47 footnotes within the 13 pages of this paper. I am also a big fan of Computer Sans font.